
Shell basic

1 get into the shell

1.1 Command Line Interface

Any computer interface where the user enters textual commands and gets textual
responses is a CLI.

The terminal interface uses text instead of graphics.

1.2 shell single quote

When you get something like this, with a right angle bracket:

aa@aa~$ alice's tea party

That'll happen if you type something with a single quote mark, or with a parenthesis,
or brace.
In order to get your shell prompt back, with an arrow message, you have to type
the matching quote mark, or parenthesis, or brace. Then you'll get a command not
found and you get your show prompt back.

1.3 curl

curl is a command for downloading files from the web.

curl http://udacity.github.io/ud595-shell/stuff.zip -o things.zip

1.4 cowsay

A funny terminal tool. You should install it before using.

and try:

$ cowsay hello, world!

1.5 the terminal vs the shell

The terminal is a program that draws text in a window, and lets you type things
in on a keyboard. Technically it's called a terminal emulator, since it acts
like one of those old school hardware terminals. It displays output on the screen
and it accepts input from the keyboard.

But the terminal itself doesn't know what to do with that input. It needs another
program to do that. In this case, that program is the shell. When you type things
in the terminal just sends what you type to that separate program. When you press
Enter, the shell interprets what you wrote as a command, figures out what program
you want to run, runs it and sends the output back to the terminal so you can see

You could actually use the terminal without the shell, with a log of terminal
programs you can tell it what program to run. The default is a shell, but you can
have it run say, the Python interpreter instead.

Also, there are actually a log of different shell programs that you can choose
from. The default one on most Linux systems, and on the Mac, is called GNU Bash.
But there are others called TCSH, KSH and Seashell. They all work slightly differently
and have various different features.

And you can also use a shell without the terminal, sort of. You can wirte shell
commands into a file and arrange for your computer to run the shell program on
that file. This is called shell scripting.

1.5.1 different shells

Unix and Linux programmers over the years have written many different shell
programs. You can read more about them on Wikipedia: the original Bourne shell
or sh; the C shell or csh; the Korn shell or ksh; the Z shell or zsh; as well
as the bash shell.

Different systems may have different shells installed by default. Most Linux
systems, and Mac OS X, default to bash for interactive shells. However, the most
common default shell for scripting (shell programming) is classic sh. BSD Unix
systems usually default to sh or ksh.

1.6 try more commands

$ date

hostname prints out the computer's own name for itself

$ hostname

host is pretty different from hostname. It looks up a name in the DNS or
domain name srvice to find out its IP address and also other information.

host baidu.com

the expr command is a simple calculator

$ expr 2 + 2

echo is just the shells name for the print statement, it just repeats back
whatever you give it, like an echo.

$ echo you rock

tells you what version number of the bash shell you have installed

$ bash --version

the history command tells you all the commands you've run previously.

$ history

uname prints out the operating system's name for itself, you can get a lot
more information with uname -a, by the way.

$ uname

1.7 what is a shell command

When you have used programming languages before such as Python or JavaScript,
you've been exposed to concepts such as function and statement. Commands that
you run at the shell prompt are a little bit like function calls.

You could even do some of the same things in the shell and in code, like the
command to delete a file in the shell is rm, which stands for remove And it
works like this. And you could do the same thing in Python with the remove
function in the OS module, os.remove.

A shell command and a python function have a lot in common. They're both units
of code, they both have a name, and they can both take arguments. But, they
exist in pretty different contexts. Most commands that you run in the Shell are
actually whole programs that are started up as separate processes on your computer.

Running a shell command in your terminal is a lot like calling a function in a
program. But the two techniques are used in different ways. Functions are used
to organize a program while Shell Commands are used to run programs. Since shell
commands output their results in text, it's easy to read and understand what's
going on.

1.8 reading the output of a command

When using the shell, no news is usually good news.

2 shell commands

2.1 filenames and contents

Linux is really flexible about file names. There's no hard rule that a particular
kind of file has to have a particular kind of name. The file system doesn't require
that files have extensions on the end of their names. If you're coming from Windows,
that can be a big change. You can see for instance, a file called readme instead of
readme.txt, but it's still a text file. But just as on other systems, there are
conventions. If you don't know what a file is, you can use your favorite search
engine to look up the extension on the end of the file name. Or, if there isn't
one, the whole file name and maybe something about the context. So, given what
you already know, and what you can find with some quick searching, see if you can
say what each of these files is likely to be. What type of things do you expect
to find in each of these files?

Hello-Kitty.jpg    - photograph
LICENSE            - plain text
README.md          - markdown document
superuser.pem      - crypto key
install.sh         - shell script

2.2 command history

If you type a command and you don't get it right, or if you just want to recall
something that you've used before, try using the up arrow key. The shell keeps
a history of commands that you've run so you can walk back through them using
the arrow keys. Then you can edit a previous command line that you've used and
maybe get some more success.

There are a couple of other ways to access the shell history. One of them you've
seen is the command history, which points out the whole history. This doesn't
just include history from the current shell session, you can also see commands
you ran in the past.

Another one is the keystroke control R. This is a special function, called
reverse i search, which lets you search your shell history. This is awfully handy
if you used some command long ago or just yesterday and it's long command and
you want to recall it now.

2.3 some common commands

  • ls
    ls lists the files in the current directory.
  • unzip
    The unzip command typically takes one argument. The file name of the file
    to unzip. As it works, unzip lists the files and directories it's uncompressing.
  • cat
    give cat a list of file names and it'll print out the contents of the files.
    You can also use cat to read a single file. Just give it one file name. A lot
    of people use cat as their go to command for reading short files.
  • wc
    wc is the word count program. It tells us how many lines, words, and bytes are
    in a file.
  • diff
    diff compares files and shows you how they differ. This can be useful if you
    have multiple versions or editions of the same file and you want to know what
    changes have been made.

2.4 manual pages

There's a lot to remember when using the terminal. You can't just click around
and explore menus like you can with a graphical program. This doesn't mean that
you need to remember every command and every option though. Looking things up
is a regular part of the terminal user's workflow. In fact, it's normal to forget
the details of commands you don't use frequently.

Cowsay is an example of a program with a bunch of options. By default, cowsay
draws a cow, but you can customize it too. For example, by using the -e argument,
we can replace its eyes with carets. We can also draw a penguin instead of a cow.
So, how do we keep up with all these options? Fortunately, all common shell programs
come with a manual, and there's a command that makes it easy to read them, man.
Manual entries are called man pages, and this is cowsay's man page. Man pages
follow a common format. The first section includes the command's name and a brief
description of the command. The next section is the synopsis. The synopsis explains
how to use the command's flags and arguments. Options surrounded by square brackets
are optional. In this case, all of cowsay's options are optional. Some options
require additional information. For example, if you use the -e flag, you also
need to supply an eye_string. The description describes all of the options in
detail. Man pages vary in how they present this information. Some man pages alphabetize
their option, while cowsay's man page is a bit less organized. You can use the
arrow keys to scroll up and down the man page. The later sections of the man page
include more detailed information about the command.

Man pages are typically arranged so that the most important details are near the top.
When you're done referencing the manual, you can press q to exit.

2.5 researching commands

There are a lot of other resources besides the manual for finding out about
shell command stuff. Even experienced users can always find something new that
can be done in the shell. But if you don't know what a command does and you're
not sure if you want to run it, applying your favorite search engine to the
problem is a good idea. You can put any shell command into Google or DuckDuckGo
or Yahoo or whatever and usually find a lot of help.

Another useful tool for researching commands is the aprops command. You can
use aprops to find commands relevant to particular keywords.

For example aprops working directory provides a list of commands that somehow
work with the current working directory.

apropos is good for refreshing your memory, or for finding new commands to

2.6 line based programs

You've seen several commands, like ls, uptime, and cowsay that do something,
and then immediately return you to the shell prompt. But not all programs do
that. Some programs are a little bit more interactive. They take over the terminal
for as long as they're running, and then we get the shell back when the program
exits. Take, for instance, ping. Ping lets you test whether another machine on
the internet is alive, and how long it takes to send a message to that machine
and back. Let's see you ping, which is Google's public DNS server. Very
fast and well connected, so we should always be able to get to it. Ping starts
and it prints out a line for each successful echo, but it doesn't stop on its
own and give you your shell back. Instead, you have to tell it to stop. One of
the most common ways to tell a program like this to stop is to type Ctrl+C which
sends the interrupt signal. When you do that, ping stops, prints out a summary,
and you get your shell prompt back.

But some programs have a different behavior. There's a really common design in
Linux programs where a program will read from what's called standard input, or
stdin and write to what's called standard output, or stdout. This allows programs
to be chained together on to a pipeline. When you run a program like this from
the terminal, it'll read from your keyboard input and write back to the terminal
screen. And very often when your input is done you want to send it an end of file
character which you do by typing Ctrl+D. Here's an example, The sort program,
which sorts lines in alphabetical order, if you run sort and then type or paste
in some text, it will print those lines out sorted. But it can't do any sorting
until it's received the last line and that's what typing Ctrl+D tells it. You
have to use Ctrl+D instead of Ctrl+C if you want the sorted output. Ctrl+C
will just cause it to exit.

Programs like sort are called line based programs because they read input one
line at a time until they reach the end of the input. You can usually use them
on files as well as on text that you type in or paste into the terminal.

2.7 waiting for input

Sometimes a program will be waiting for input, and if you want to get your shell
back, you have to know how to tell it either that the input is over or that it
should exit.

Let's take another look at an example. BC is a simple calculator program, you
can use it to do arithmetic. It knows about order of operations and parenthesis
and things like that. But when you're done using it and you want to exit, what
do you do?

Type "quit" or press Ctrl+D

2.8 full screen interactive programs: less

The man program, for reading the manual takes up a full terminal screen. It's
actually use another program called less that knows how to display text one page
at a time. So when you press Q to stop looking at a manual page. You're actually
using a command that less understands. And you can use less to display any file
you like not just man pags.

Scrolling up and down with arrow keys works the same way as it did before, and
man you can also scroll down a page at a time by using the D key or by hitting
the Space Bar. You can scroll up one page at a time with a U key. If you want
to skip to very last line of the file, you can use the right angle bracket for
that. To get back up to the first line use the left angle bracket. You can go
to a particular line by typing its line number and hitting Enter.

This is particularly useful when working with source code where you know the line
numbers of important lines. It's also useful when you decide to quickly move to
the middle of a file.

Less also has built-in search. Type slash and then the string you'd like to
search for. Press Enter or return to execute the search. You can find the next
occurrence of the search term by pressing n. To go bak to the previous occurrence,
use capital N. Search terms are case sensitive. If you're familiar with regular
expressions you can also use them here.

2.9 editing files in nano

You can run nano on any text file you happen to have on your Linux box. It takes
the file to edit as a command line parameter.

Control-X, usually written ^X, is the keystroke command to exit nano.

3 the linux filesystem

3.1 the filesystem tree

The two most important kinds of objects in a Linux server's filesystem are files
and directories. The rules for file and directory names in Linux are pretty flexible.
You can have spaces and filenames, you can have dots, you can at signs or accent
marks or whatever. The only thing you can't have is the slash character(/). And in
the shell, when you write a file name that contains spaces or certain punctuation
marks wuch as !$#()[]%&, you have to put the file name in single quotes(''), or else
precede each one of the special characters including spaces with the back slash (\).
The reason for this is that these characters all have special meanings to the shell,
and putting a backslash(\) in front of them tells the shell to treat them as ordinary

Directories are nested inside each other, with the outermost or topmost being the
file system root or root directory. It's very common for there to be multiple discs
or disc partitions on a Linux system. Unlike on Windows, there aren't separate roots
for each disc, like C: or D: drives. There's just one filesystem root at the top of
the filesystem. This means that no matter what directory a file is in, you can
unambiguously refer to that file by giving the full path which starts at the root
and lists each directory on the way down to the individual file. The directory names
are separated by slashes.

Linux uses the forward slash to separate directories, whereas Windows uses the
back slash. The forward slash is the same one that you see in URLs, like
https://www.google.com, or for writing fractions like 2/3, or in various other

3.2 the working directory

Your shell, and every other program for that matter, has a working directory.
You can think of this as the directory that it's looking at or focused on, or
the one that it uses as the default location for most commands to find files in.

3.3 absolute and relative paths

So, the top most directory in the file system is the root directory. And we
denote the root directory with a slash. You can describe the location of any
file or directory in the file system, with a full path beginning with a slash.
The full path is called the absolute path, and that means that it tells every
step that has to be taken from the root, or the absolute beginning of the file
system. Absolute paths are unambiguous and easy to understand, but they can also
be inconvenient to work with, especially if you're working with deeply nested
directories. To make things simpler, we can use relative paths instead. A file's
relative path, is its location relative to the current working directory. If you're
working with files in or near the current working directory, this can save you
a lot of typing. Every time you've referred to a file by just its name, you've
actually been using a relative path.

'.' points from each directory to itself.
'..' points from a directory to its parent.
~ is an abbreviation for you own home dirctory.

3.4 cd without args

cd without arguments is a shortcut to take you home. As long as your home
directory exists, you can always go home.

3.5 cd to not a dirctory

If you tried to CD a file, or cat a directory for that matter, you'll just get
a harmless error message.

3.6 tab completion

Typing in long directory and file names is a big, boring pain and nobody likes
doing it. One way you can avoid running out of fingers is to use tab completion.
It works pretty much the same as tab completion for commands. As you're typing
a command or file path, just hit the tab key. If you've typed enough to distinguish
a single command or a single file, the shell will automatically complete it.
Otherwise it will go beep. Then if you press tab again it'll list all of the
possible completions for what you've typed.

3.7 globbing

Any time you want to operate on a bunch of files that have similar names, you can
use a glob pattern to do it. I am not making up this name. Globbing is the real,
actual, technical term for matching files by name in the Unix shell. Seriously,
globbing. If you don't believe me you can look it up, man glob. Globbing is a
kind of pattern matching for file names. When you write a glob pattern in a shell
command, the shell turns that pattern into a list of file names that exist to
match the pattern.

For instance, a star matches any string of characters. You can use a star at
the beginning or at the end of a pattern. Patterns can be all sorts of differnet
lengths. A star can appear in the middle of a pattern.

ls b*png

Matching all the files that start with B and end with png.

ls app.{css,html}

match files that end in either css or html.

ls bea?.png

A single question mark matches any one character.

ls be??.png

Two question marks matches two characters, and so on.

ls be[aeiou]r.png

list of characters inside square brackets matches any one of the characters
inside those brackets.