
The Causes for Segmentation Fault

2 Overview

A segmentation fault occurs when a program attempts to access a memory
location that it is not allowed to access, or attempts to access a memory
location in a way that is not allowed (for example, attempting to write to
read-only location, or to overwrite part of the operating system).

At the hardware level, the fault is initially raised by the memory management
unit (MMU) on illegal access (if the referenced memory exists), as part of its
memory protection feature, or an invalid page fault (if the referenced
memory does not exist). If the problem is not an invalid logical address but
instead an invalid physical address, a bus error is raised instead.

At the operating system level, this fault is caught and a signal is passed
on to the offending process, activating the process's handler for that signal.
Different operating systems have different signal names to indicate that a
segmentation fault has occurred. On Unix-like operating system, a signal called
SIGSEGV (abbreviated from segmentation violation) is sent to the offending

The default action for s segmentation fault or bus error is abnormal
termination of the process that triggered it. A core file may be generated to
aid debugging, and other platform-dependent actions may also be performed.

3 Causes

The conditions under which segmentation violations occur and how they manifest
themselves are specific to hardware and the operating system: different
hardware raises different faults for given conditions, and different operating
systems convert these to different signals that are passed on to processes.
The proximate cause is a memory violation, while the underlying cause is
generally a software bug of some sort. Determing the root cause - debugging
the bug - can be simple in some cases, where the program will consistently
cause a segmentation fault(e.g., dereferencing a null pointer), while in other
cases the bug can be difficult to reproduce and depend on memory allocation
on each run (e.g., deferencing a dangling pointer).

The following are some typical causes of a segmentation fault:

  • Deferencing null pointers
    (this is special-caused by memory management hardware)
  • Attempting to access a nonexistent memory address
    (outside process's address space)
  • Attempting to access memory the program does not have rights to
    (such as kernel structures in process context)
  • Attempting to write read-only memory(such as code segment)

These in turn are often caused by programming errors that result in invalid
memory access:

  • Deferencing or assigning to an uninitialized pointer
    (wild pointer, which points to a random memory address)
  • Deferencing or assigning to a freed pointer
    (dangling pointer, which points to memory that has been freed/deallocated
  • A buffer overflow
  • A stack overflow
  • Attempting to execute a program that does not compile correctly

4 examples

In C code, segmentation faults most often occur because of errors in pointer
use, particularly in C dynamic memory allocation. Deferencing a null pointer
will always result in a segmentation fault, but wild pointers and dangling
pointers point to memory that may or may not exist, and may or may not be
readable or writable, and thus can result in transient bugs. For example:

char *p1 = NULL;           // Null pointer
char *p2;                  // Wild pointer: not initialized at all.
char *p3  = malloc(10 * sizeof(char));  // Initialized pointer to allocated memory
                           // (assuming malloc did not fail)
free(p3);                  // p3 is now a dangling pointer, as memory has been freed

Now, deferencing any of these variables could cause a segmentation fault:
deferencing the null pointer generally will cause a segfault, while reading
from the wild pointer may instead result in random data but no segfault, and
reading from the dangling pointer may result in valid data for a while, and
then random data as it is overwritten.

4.1 uninitialized pointer dereference

char *p;
p[0] = 'a';

4.2 null pointer dereference

Because a very common program error is a null pointer dereference(a read or
write through a null pointer, used in C to mean "pointer to no object" and
as an error indicator), most operating systems map the null pointer's address
such that accessing it causes a segmentation fault.

create a null pointer, and then tries to access its value (read the value).

int *ptr = NULL;
printf("%d", *ptr);

dereferencing a null pointer and then assigning to it (writing a value to
a non-existent target)

int *ptr = NULL;
*ptr = 1;

4.3 Writing to read-only memory

The occurs when the program writes to part of its own code segment or the
read-only portion of the data segment, as these are loaded by the OS into
read-only memory.

The string "hello world" is placed in the rodata section of the program
executable file: the read-only section of the data segment. When loaded, the
operating system places it with other strings and constant data in a read-only
segment of memory. When executed, a variable, s, is set to point to the
string's location, and an attempt is made to write an H character through the
variable into the memory, cauing a segmentation fault.

char *s = "hello world";
*s = 'H';

4.4 Buffer overflow

In computer security and programming, a buffer overflow, or buffer overrun,
is an anomaly where a program, while writing data to a buffer, overruns the
buffer's boundary and overwrites adjacent memory locations.

A buffer overflow occurs when data written to a buffer also corrupts data
values in memory addresses adjacent to the destination buffer due to
insufficient bounds checking. This can occur when copying data from one buffer
to another without first checking that the data fits within the destination

char A[8] = "";
unsigned short B = 1979;

// "excessive" is 9 characters long and encodes to 10 bytes
// including the null terminator, but A can take only 8 bytes.
// By failing to check the length of the string, it also overwrites
// the value of B.
strcpy(A, "excessive");

4.5 Stack overflow

In software, a stack overflow occurs if the call stack pointer exceeds the
stack bound. The most common cause of stack overflow is excessively deep or
infinite recursion.

static void foo() {
  return foo();