
nRF52832 ble service tutorial

2 my bluetooth environment

  • nRF52 DK Development kit
  • Keil V5.x
  • SDK V14.2.0

3 the tutorial service sample

3.1 the mandatory services

Even before we have done anything, there are already two mandatory services set
up for us.

3.1.1 the Generic Access Service

  • The Generic Access Service
    Service UUID 0x1800. Three mandatory characteristics:
    • Characteristic: Device name. UUID 0x2A00
    • Characteristic: Appearance. UUID 0x2A01
    • Characteristic: Peripheral Preferred Connection Parameters UUID 0x2A04
  • The Generic Attribute service.
    Service UUID 0x1801. One optional characteristic:
    • Characteristic: Service Changed. UUID 0x2A05


The Generic Access Service contains generic information about the device. All
available Characteristics are readonly. You can recognize a characteristic holding
the device name "OurService". The second characteristic holds the appearance value.
The third characteristic holds various parameters used to establish a connection.
You can recognise values from the #defines in the example called: MIN_CONN_INTERVAL,

The connection parameters for a BLE connection is a set of parameters that determine
when and how the Central and a Peripheral in a link transmits data. It is always
the Central that actually sets the connection parameters used, but the Peripheral
can send a so-called Connection Parameter Update Request, that the Central can
then accept or reject.

There are basically three different parameters:

  • Connection interval
    Determines how often the Central will ask for data from the peripheral. When
    the Peripheral requests an update, it supplies a maximum and a minimum wanted
    interval. The connection interval must be between 7.5ms and 4s.
  • Slave latency
    By setting a non-zero slave latency, the Peripheral can choose to not answer
    when the Central asks for data up to the slave latency number of times. However,
    if the Peripheral has data to send, it can choose to send data at any time. This
    enables a peripheral to stay sleeping for a longer time, if it doesn't have data
    to send, but still send data fast if needed. The text book example of such
    device is for example keyboard and mice, which want to be sleeping for as long
    as possible when there is no data to send, but still have low latency (and for
    the mouse: low connection interval) when needed.
  • Connection supervision timeout
    This timeout determines the timeout from the last data exchange till a link is
    considered lost. A central will not start trying to reconnect before the timeout
    has passed, so if you have a device which goes in and out of range often, and
    you need to notice when that happens, it might make sense to have a short timeout.

For a BLE link the connection parameters control the frequency at which data can
be exchanged between the peripheral and central once a BLE link has been established
between the two. These parameters are negotiated between the central and peripheral
during link establishment.

The connection interval and slave latency typically affect the performance of a
BLE link the most. The lower the slave latency and faster the connection interval
the faster the effective data transfer rate between the peripheral and central.
On the other hand this also leads to higher average current consumption in the

3.1.2 the Generic Attribute Service

The second service is the Generic Attribute Service. Simply put, this service can
be used to notify the central of changes made to the fundamental structure of services
and characteristics on the peripheral.

3.2 add first service

3.2.1 declare a service structure

First of all we need a place to store all data and information relevant to our
service and to do this we will use the ble_os_t structure. As you can see in
our_service.h. The service_handle is a number identifying this particular
service and is assigned by the SoftDevice. Declare a variable called m_our_service
of type ble_os_t in main.c so that we can pass it to various functions and
have complete control of our service.

3.2.2 initialize the service

In main.c add services_init(). Inside this function we call our_service_init().
It takes a pointer to a ble_os_t struct as a parameter so make sure that you
point to our m_our_service variable.

our_service_init (&m_our_service);

3.2.3 add UUIDs to ble stack table

Look up the definition of our_service_init() in our_service.c. We create a UUID
for our service. Since we are going to make a custom service we will use the
defined base UUID together with a 16-bit UUID.

add code below:

uint32_t   err_code;
ble_uuid_t        service_uuid;
ble_uuid128_t     base_uuid = BLE_UUID_OUR_BASE_UUID;
service_uuid.uuid = BLE_UUID_OUR_SERVICE;
err_code = sd_ble_uuid_vs_add(&base_uuid, &service_uuid.type);

What this code does is to create two variables. One will hold our 16-bit service
UUID and the other the base UUID. In the fourth line we add our vendor specific
UUID (hence the 'vs') to a table of UUIDs in the BLE stack.

Using a vendor specific UUID is basically a two-step process

  • add your custom base UUID to the stack
    by using sd_ble_uuid_vs_add(). store the value returned to you in the p_type
    parameter of this function call.
  • set the type of all ble_uuid_t
    that should use this base to the value returned to you from sd_ble_uuid_vs_add()
    When you set this field to your custom type instead of to BLE_UUID_TYPE_BLE, the
    value will be used on top of the custom base UUID you specified instead of on
    top of the Bluetooth SIG base.

Behind the scenes, sd_ble_uuid_vs_add() will add the base UUID to the SoftDevice's
internal list of base UUIDs, and return the table index for this UUID in the type
field. When using the type in a ble_uuid_t later, the SoftDevice can look up the
base used in this same table by using this index.

3.2.4 error fix

You can skip this step if there is no No Memory for operation issue.

When I debug this code, I got err_code = 0x04 from sd_ble_gatts_service_add()
which means No Memory for operation. to fix this issue, change code in
sdk_config.h from




Then modify *Options for Target 'nrf52832_xxaa'*, change IRAM1 start address.
The value can be got by debug. the debug path as below:

    if (*p_app_ram_start != app_ram_start_link) {
        NRF_LOG_WARNING("RAM starts at 0x%x, can be adjusted to 0x%x.",
                        app_ram_start_link, *p_app_ram_start);

        NRF_LOG_WARNING("RAM size can be adjusted to 0x%x.",
                        ram_end_address_get() - (*p_app_ram_start));

Then set the IRAM1 start value to be the value showed in *p_app_ram_start.

3.2.5 add our service

Now initialize our service. Type in the following right after the previous code:

err_code = sd_ble_gatts_service_add(BLE_GATTS_SRVC_TYPE_PRIMARY,

The sd_ble_gatts_service_add() function takes three parameters. In the first
parameter we specify that we want a primary service. The other option here is
to use BLE_GATTS_SRVC_TYPE_SECONDARY to create a secondary service. The use of
secondary services are rare, but sometimes used to nest services inside other
services. The second parameter is a pointer to the service UUID that we created.
By passing this variable to sd_ble_gatts_service_add() our service can be
uniquely identified by the BLE stack.

Compile, download, and open nRF Connect again. Hit connect and do another service
discovery. Now you should see our service with its custom UUID at the bottom.
You can recognize the base UUID from the #define in our_service.h and if you
look closely you should also recognize our 16-bit service UUID:

Either iOS or nRFConnect caches some ble information, so connecting/reconnecting is
useless without turning the phone's ble off and on. That refreshes everything
and the new characteristics show up. Figured it out by trying to delete services
and they stayed on nRFConnect even after they had been deleted from code and

When you connect to your device using nRF Connect. some events occur in the BLE
The first event is a Generic Access Profile(GAP) event, BLE_GAP_EVT_CONNECTED,
indicating that a connection has been set up with connection handle value 0x00.
If you ever make an application that has several connections you will get several
connection handles, each with a unique handle value. After a few seconds you will
get the BLE_GAP_EVT_CONN_PARAM_UPDATE event indicating that the nRF Connect and
your device have renegotiated the connection parameters.

3.3 advertising

3.3.1 declare variable holding our service UUID

Inside the advertising_init() function in main.c declare a variable holding
our service uuid like this:

ble_uuid_t m_adv_uuids[] = {BLE_UUID_OUR_SERVICE, BLE_UUID_TYPE_VENDOR_BEGIN};

that it is a part of a vendor specific base UUID. More specifically BLE_UUID_TYPE_VENDOR_BEGIN
is an index pointing to our base UUID in the table of UUIDs that we initated in

3.3.2 declare and instantiate the scan response

add the UUID to the scan response packet like this:

init.srdata.uuids_complete.uuid_cnt = sizeof(m_adv_uuids) / sizeof(m_adv_uuids[0]);
init.srdata.uuids_complete.p_uuids = m_adv_uuids;

3.4 summary

So now the first basic service has been setup. If you want to add more srevices
you can easily just replicate the our_service_init() function and define more
service UUIDs.

Note: the characteristics have not been added yet.

3.5 get the tutorial sample

you can get the tutorial sample from

and then put it to


4 base knowledge

4.1 the Generic Attribute Profile (GATT)

The GATT Profile specifies the structure in which profile data is exchanged.
This structure defines basic elements such as services and characteristics,
used in a profile.

In other words, it is a set of rules describing how to bundle, present and
transfer data using BLE. Read Bluetooth Core Specification v5.0, vol.3 Part G.

The Generic Attributes (GATT) define a hierarchical data structure that is
exposed to connected BLE devices. GATT profiles enable extensive innovation
while still maintaining full interoperability with other Bluetooth devices.
The profile describes a use case, roles and general behaviors based on the GATT
functionality. Services are collections of characteristics and relationships
to other services that encapsulate the behavior of part of a device. This also
includes hierarchy of services, characteristics and attributes used in the attribute

GATT is built on top of the Attribute Protocol (ATT), which uses GATT data to
define the way that two Bluetooth Low Energy devices send and receive standard
messages. Note that GATT is not used in Bluetooth BR/EDR implementations, which
use only adopted profiles.

The top level of the hierarchy is a profile, which is composed of one or more
services necessary to fulfill a use case. A service is composed of characteristics
or references to other services.

GATT groups these services to encapsulate the behavior of part of a device, and
describes a use case, roles and general behaviors based on the GATT functionality.

4.2 services

The Bluetooth Core Specification defines a service like this:

A service is a collection of data and associated behaviors to accomplish a
particular function or feature. A service definition may contain mandatory
characteristics and optional characteristics.

In Other words, a service is a collection of information, like e.g. values of
sensors. Bluetooth SIG has predefined certain services. For example they have
defined a service called Heart Rate service. The reason why they have done this
is to make it easier for developers to make apps and firmware compatible with
the standard Heart Rate service. However, this does not mean that you can't make
your own heart rate sensor based on your own ideas and service structures.

4.3 Characteristics

The Bluetooth Core Specification defines a service like this:

A characteristic is a value used in a service along with properties and configuration
information about how the value is accessed and information about how the value
is displayed or represented.

In other words, the characteristic is where the actual values and information is
presented. Security parameters, units and other metadata concerning the information
are also encapsulated in the characteristics.

An analogy might be a storage room filled with filing cabinets and each filing
cabinet has a number of drawers. The GATT profile in this analogy is the storage
room. The cabinets are the services, and the drawers are characteristics holding
various information. Some of the drawers might also have locks on them restricting
the access to its information.

Imagine a heart rate monitor watch for example. Watches like this typically use
at least two services:

  • A Heart rate service. It encapsulates three characteristics:
    • A mandatory Heart Rate Measurement characteristic holding the heart rate value.
    • An optional Body Sensor Location characteristic.
    • A conditional Heart Rate Control Point characteristic.
  • A Battery service
    • Mandatory Battery level characteristic.

Now why bother with this? Why not just send whatever data you need directly
without the fuzz of bundling it in characteristics and services? The reasons are
flexibility, efficiency, cross platform compatibilities and ease of implementation.
When iPhones, Android tablets or Windows laptops discover a device advertising a
heart rate service they can be 100% sure to find at least the heart rate measurement
characteristic and the characteristic is guaranteed to be presented in a standardized
way. If a device contains more than one service you are free to pick and choose
the services and characteristics you like. By bundling information this way devices
can quickly discover what information is available and communicate only what is
strictly needed and thereby save precious time and energy. Remember that BLE is
all about low energy.

To continue the analogy: the storage room is located in a small business office
and has two filing cabinets. The first cabinet is used by the accountants. The
drawers contain files with financial details of the business, sorted by date.
The drawers are locked and only the accountants and the upper management have
access to them. The second cabinet is used by Human Resources and contains records
over the employees, sorted in alphabetical order. These drawers are also locked
and only HR and upper management have access to them. Everyone in the business
knows where the storage room is and what it is for, but only some people have
access to it and use it. It ensures efficiency, security and order.

4.4 Universally Unique ID (UUID)

A UUID is an abbreviation you will see a lot in the BLE world. It is a unique
number used to identify services, characteristics and descriptors, also known as
attributes. These IDs are transmitted over the air so that e.g. a peripheral can
inform a central what services it provides. To save transmitting air time and
memory space in your nRF51 there are two kinds of UUIDs.

The first type is a short 16-bit UUID. The predefined Heart rate service, e.g.,
has the UUID 0x180D and one of its enclosed characteristics, the Heart Rate
Measurement characteristic, has the UUID 0x2A37. The 16-bit UUID is energy and
memory efficient, but since it only provides a relatively limited number of
unique IDs there is a rule; you can only transmit the predefined Bluetooth SIG
UUIDs directly over the air. Hence there is a need for a second type of UUID
so you can transmit your own custom UUIDs as well.

The second type is a 128-bit UUID, sometimes referred to as a vendor specific
UUID. This is the type of UUID you need to use when you are making your own
custom services and characteristics. It looks something like this:
4A98xxxx-1CC4-E7C1-C757-F1267DD021E8 and is called the "base UUID". The four x's
represent a field where you will insert your own 16-bit IDs for your custom
services and characteristics and use them just like a predefined UUID. This way
you can store the base UUID once in memory, forget about it, and work with 16-bit
IDs as normal. You can generate base UUIDs using nRFgo Studio.

A little fun fact about UUIDs: There is no database ensuring that no one in the
world is sharing the same UUID.

4.5 client and server roles

GATT defines client and server roles. GATT procedures can be considered to be
split into three basic types: Discovery procedures, Client-initiated procedures
and Server-initiated procedures. The GATT server stores the data transported
over the ATT and accepts ATT requests, commands and confirmations from the GATT
client. The GATT server sends responses to requests and sends indications and
notifications asynchronously to the GATT client when specified events occur on
the GATT server. GATT also specifies the format of data contained on the GATT

To see all the adopted GATT-based specifications, visit